Ebook Glue – Convert your Blog’s RSS into EPUB / Mobi

Ebook Glue – It’s anĀ online website to help you convert Blog’s RSS( no matter who is the owner) into EPUB / Mobi format.

NO need to sign up and login. All you have to do is input the RSS Feed in the Website. Then, after input the security code, you can download the Blog as EPUB or Mobi format.

Ebook Glue - home

EPUB: You can import to iPad to read. iBook for iPad let you bookmark, search, speak, find the meaning in ONE APP.

Mobi: You can import to Kindle or other reader to read. Of course, it only provide “Plain Text” .

Applications for Education

Most of School teach students to create their Blog . Now, you have a great tools for you to backup/ View their Blog in the different way. You can read in your devices. Students can backup their Blog.