A Facebook Cheat Sheet [infographic]

Enda Guinan | Social

Are you on Facebook all the time? Do you think you could get more done more quickly while there?

I am fully aware of the ridiculousness of these sentences.

That said, with this pointless message about copyright currently doing the rounds on the site, it might be a good time to learn to use ALT + 9.

Facebook Cheat Sheet by mycleveragency
Facebook Shortcuts Cheat Sheet is an infographic that was produced by mycleveragency

Read more from Facebook Cheat Sheet – Shortcuts [Infographic] – mycleveragency – Full Service Social http://www.mycleveragency.com/2012/11/facebook-cheat-sheet-shortcuts-infographic/#ixzz2DLZp4G24

NOTE: I couldn’t get any of these to work (Firefox/Chrome for Mac), but your mileage may vary.

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20 Compelling Reasons To Spend More Time On Linkedin And Less Time On Facebook


I saw this last evening whilst, of all things, looking for contact info for Rob Zombie.  I have kinda fallen off Facebook but will DEFINITELY be utilizing Linkedin WAY more after seeing this.  There is a really good article about this infographic HERE about WHY Linkedin is becoming such a powerful tool.  Pretty amazing considering that Linkedin has 150 million users but The Facebook has over 850 million users.  (I know, they dropped the “THE” from Facebook back in the day, I wanted to kick it old school.)  The article is definitely worth a read so go check it out.  Now I am going back to see if I can actually find a good way to get in contact with Mr Zombie.

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The Best Web 2.0 Tools for teachers

Source: edudemic

The Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers

1. Google Drive
2. Dropbox
3. CloudMagic

4. Jumpshare

5. Weebly (see also this)
6. Issuu
7. ePubBud

8. Infogr.am

9. Text2MindMap

10. EdCanvas (see also this)
11. KeepVid (see also this)
12. TubeChop

13. GoAnimate

14. TodaysMeet (see also this)
15. Slideshare

16. Voki

17. Prezi
18. Record MP3

19. Delicious

20. Jing

21. Pixlr

22. Loopster

23. Evernote
24. Scoop.it

25. Paper.li

26. LiveBinders

27. Join.me (See also this)

28. Zamzar

29. Poll Everywhere (see also this)
30. VoiceThread

31. PlanBoard

32. TeachersPayTeachers (TPT)

33. Gnowledge

If everything on line is social anyway these days, why do we use the term “social media” so much?

Rita Turkowski's Blog

For the past few weeks, I’ve returned to studying one of my favorite avocation hobbies, social media marketing. Even though I’m firmly entrenched in the interactive 3D media industry (especially promoting 3D tech such as game engines, VR, open 3D web standards and formats, etc. etc.) I have always been in love with the web for it’s usefulness in bringing people together or for just plain old fun. How else would I be able to connect with my 80 y.o. aunt if it weren’t for Facebook and some of those silly games she enjoys? And don’t even get me started on mobile social, where I enjoy playing Words with Friends with my otherwise elusive 14 y.o daughter?? Thus, my interest in what is known as “gamification” – bringing together game play and social media. But I digress.

This morning I came across this very cool Social Media infographic and felt…

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