5 New Free Tools for iPad Classrooms Worth Your Attention (#iPadEd)

Classroom Aid

Several new tools might be worth your attention for flipped classrooms or iPads classrooms. These tools are all free to use and meet different needs.

GoClass (beta)

Instructors can string together resources in a lesson plan format along with lecture notes and questions for formative assessment through a single app, and then deliver it through the same app. What’s more, these lesson plans can be created and modified during class session.

iPad classroom


When using the lesson for conducting a classroom session, the instructor can define the settings for that particular session.

  • Flipback – Allows students to browse teacher broadcasts while in the session
  • Bookmark – Bookmarked items may be viewed after session
  • Sleep Mode – Instructor can control app screen for both instructor and student iPads
  • Communication Mode– Instructor can switch from default cloud communication to WiFi mode


Project feature can be used when device is connected…

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7 Lists of Free iPad Learning Apps (#iPaded, #EdApps, #iPadchat)

Classroom Aid

Dear readers,

iPad classroomYou might find these selections on free educational iPad apps by Christopher Pappas useful. Enjoy!

Want to make something mobile for your students? Take a look at this free tools with question bank too.

Quipper’s online quiz platform allows users to share their knowledge by creating quizzes and publishing them on the web and in the Quipper smartphone app, making the platform useful for teachers and other educators. The app now features over 3,000 topics, and its users have answered over 100 million questions, ranging from maths to healthcare, along with languages ranging from Dutch to Turkish. Quiz programmes can…

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Color Emotion Guide DreamSmoke


When designing a logo for your business, it’s important to take into account the way people interpret color. It’s the right time to ask, what kind of emotion do I want my brand to convey?

This infographic from Logo Company, a logo design firm, helps clearly illustrate what emotions are invoked by certain colors using the logos from top brands as an example. Psychologists have studied how people are affected by colors for years and found a strong correlation between colors and emotional responses, further driving home the point that choosing the right color is crucial in determining how your brand is viewed.

For example, restaurants like McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Wendy’s and Popeyes use red in their logos to stimulate hunger. Black, white, silver and gold are often used in the logos of luxury brands like Chanel, Prada, Michael Kors and others to enhance the feeling of sophistication.


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The Learning Power of LEGO — Infographic


Learning with LEGO

As a kid we loves building with them, as parents and adults we dread stepping on them — LEGO bricks!  Have you ever thought about the precision needed to make them or of the power they hold to increase learning or creativity (outside of seeing how high you really can build that tower)?  Today’s infographic from OnlineColleges looks at the history of the LEGO brick and company as well as some ways it is being used to enhance learning.

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How to Attribute Creative Commons images in your blog properly?


To start the FAQ section, while nobody dare to share their doubts (do you?), a concern you and other users may have is how to correctly attribute CC-licensed images when you’re using them, for example, in a blog post. According to Foter blog more than 90% of Creative Commons photos are not attributed at all and less than 10% are attributed properly. To solve it out, they created an amazing info-graphic that will banish your doubts.

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Cost of Living on Mars – fun infographic!

Voices On!

I’m  a huge fan of infographics. I’ve covered the topic for some time now –in my other blog.

So this one jumped out at me as a fun/fine way to look at how space exploration and space science might deal with the life on Mars question –given our fascination with the 4th rock from the Sun. One year’s supply, for instance is estimated to cost $13 million on Spacex ($42 on NASA). That’s transporting it and storing it thee.

The infographic was created by an outfit called Neo Mammalian Studios.

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A Look Back At The Major Events In Web Marketing 2012

Infographics King

While you are busy reading yet another 2013 forecasts, do take a look back on some of the 30 important moments in the Internet web marketing world in 2012. Let’s take a minute to celebrate these memorable moments, and look forward to a better year in 2013!

Via:- webhostingsecretrevealed.com

Major Events In Internet Marketing In 2012 (Infographic)

Memorable Marketing Moments in 2012

Infographic provided by Web Hosting Secret Revealed and Host In 15

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If The World Were 100 People?

Ryan Swanstrom

Not only is the topic interesting, but the concept of breaking the global population down into 100 people is brilliant. This infographic is easily understandable, and it conveys a whole lot of information in a clean and concise manner. For more about where the data came from, see the 100 People page.

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The Report Card: Social Media in 2012


The 2012 Report Card is out. And what can we learn (or gain) from this? Social Media silently overtook most of our lives. Instead of reading the morning papers, you get news being fling in your face (whether you like it or not). In a way, we are getting smarter (and more aware) as no matter what sort of news are being thrown at us, we still tend to read at least the headline. Now that’s a good start to increasing your General Knowledge.

So, the big 5 of Social Media is on the shelves again. It has been a topsy-turvy 2012 for these 5 giants, Facebook’s IPO, Twitter overtaking Facebook, Pinterest appears out of nowhere and not forgetting Instagram’s TOS issue. They all had it good (and bad).

To be honest, I have all 5 of the major players. But what role does it play in my life? Personally…

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Curiosity Touchdown — Infographic


7 Minutes of Terror

On August 6, 2012 NASA scientists held their collective breaths while a one-ton projectile hit the thin atmosphere of planet Mars carrying a scientific rover that while launched only that past November, had been the focus of their professional lives since 2004.  They would not know for approximately 7 excruciating minutes if those years of dedication, hard work, and testing had been for naught.  We now know that with a collective cheer, they realized their apprehension and fear was unwarranted as the Curiosity rover has been exploring the surface of Mars since that day and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Via futurity.org, this is the journey the rover took on those harrowing 7 minutes from first descent to touchdown on Mars:

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Infographic of the Week: How tech savvy are your kids? And how does it make you feel?

The Digital Diva

Being a parent these days I believe is way harder than what my parents had to deal with. It’s like all the normal growing pains of kids is amplified by technology. And I’m not just talking about teenagers because obviously that can be a whole story of its own with drama spread via  social media. Look even younger 6 mos to 5 year olds. So many of these kids are exposed to tablets, computer games, and texting all before they can even crawl! Sure the technology is cool, but does that cripple the growth, and health of kids because maybe their accustomed to choosing a gadget rather than playing a game? The numbers in this infographic reflect the truth and is quite alarming. Nice days seem pretty quiet when their aren’t any kids out playing….

If you’re a parent what do you do for a balance of tech and old school play?

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The Evolution of the Microprocessor — Infographic


The Evolution of the Microprocessor

It’s amazing to think that a little over 40 years ago, microprocessors were almost unheard or and hardly as available as they are today.  Now they are so powerful that we all hold in our pockets more computing power than the entire Apollo space program used to land men on the moon!  Today check out how these little bundles of computing joy made it this far:


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