Warning! Configurator 1.3 – DO NOT UPDATE!


Apple has released an update to Configurator 1.2.1 to 1.3. The update removes very important functionality. In version 1.2.1 you could install mobile Profiles to as many devices as you could plug in. Now after the update you can only install profiles, one at a time.

I had a method which allowed me to install a profile so the devices would auto join our schools wifi network. That method is now gone.

Bad Apple.


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Infographic: How to Know it’s a Boy or a Girl

Infographics King

A lot of people belief that there are various signs that indicates that whether a pregnant lady will have a boy or a girl and some of these signs are given in the below part of the article.

Some of the signs indicating a baby boy are heart rate below 140 beats per minute, out-front bulge, basketball shaped belly, large and dark nipples, bright yellow urine colour, cravings for salty and sour food items and looks which are amazing than normal.

On the other hand the signs indicating a baby girl are heart beat above 140 per minute, watermelon shaped belly, bulge in the back and hips, blossom breasts, dull yellow colour of urine , cravings for sweets and orange juice and appearance that is less than normal.

It is also believed that if your wedding ring moves in circles on your belly then it will be a baby boy…

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Testing: What apps make it easy? Socrative, Edmodo and Nearpod

I'm a Mc: iBlog

I received an email from an agricultural education colleague in another district inquiring about potential iPad testing apps to to use which also handle scoring. I figured rather than just send her an email, I’d share the three apps I use for assessment purposes with pros and cons of each. All I mention are FREE.


Socrative bills itself as the “smart student response system” and it is.  Quizzes can be multiple choice and short answer.  Once the quiz is completed, you email yourself the report which has the total number of correct multiple choice questions indicated, correct answers highlighted in green and wrong answers highlighted in red, and the short answer replies in white cells.


  • Students don’t need an account, they simply enter the “Room Number” (which teachers can custom create) when the teacher has the activity open.
  • Easy to create a quiz and you can even use…

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Why Are Geospatial Apps So Important?

Classroom Aid

This week Float Mobile Learning announced the release of Wayfiler, a mobile app that lets people connect files and websites to specific locations in order to find information when and where they need it.

Wayfiler is available for free for iOS. Using the device’s GPS to access a user’s location, you can easily share files and websites by connecting to any Dropbox account. Once a website or file is tagged, all other Wayfiler users will be able to see the file when they are nearby. Use the device’s mapping tools to get directions to the file, share it with friends, attach it to emails and more.

Besides, Float Mobile Learning created a nice infographic about the importance of geolocation in our life covering the history and technology. Enjoy!

the importance of geospatial apps

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iPad in Education Trial 2012-2013: Report, Evaluation and Data


Back in September we began an iPad trial. I have finally written my report.

If you would like me to come into your school to talk about iPads, offer training or give you some advice drop me an email at matt@realiselearning.com or check out the Realise Learningpage.

The report includes the following sections:

  • Aims
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Projects
  • Analysis of teacher and student evaluations
  • Conclusions
  • Some of my possible recommendations for the future
  • Integrating iPads into teaching and learning

You can download the whole report from the link below:

iPAD REPORT 2012-2013

You can read more about the trial below:

iPad Trial: Launching to Heads of Departments (Presentation)

iPad Launch to all staff – Inset: How it Worked(Resources Included)

How to Evaluate iPad use in Education

Lots of iPad video tutorials

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Bird Infographic

Pictorial Collective

As I delve into the last leg of my sabbatical I am working on Infographics, among other things. You may have seen a pattern lately in my posts, the work is mainly bird related. Well my sabbatical has been all about birds and art/design and during the first part of it I focused on my bird photography, which you can follow on my For The Love of Birds blog.

There aren’t many bird related infographics but I found this one on bird id on Mother Nature Network‘s website

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The Problem with BYOD projects

It's always MY problem

I see lots of people talking about and asking about hardware being “prepared for BYOD” and/or “BYOD ready”. Most of the time they’re talking about Wireless Access Points(WAPs) or other similar items of infrastructure.

In a lot of ways, as long as you stick to a reputable vendor, what make of WAP you buy is the least difficult and least interesting part of the project – you wouldn’t focus too heavily on what brand of switch your desktops were wired into as part of a project to give everyone access to a new corporate intranet site from the desktop – you’d spend more time checking that the site’s CMS system worked with your standard browser and thinking about what content users should be able to get to, and how they’d get to it. Same here…

I’d be careful about using phrases like “BYOD ready” in a technical discussion and I’d…

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Out of Control

EdTech Digest

The ever spiraling madness of funding, financing and technology

CLASSROOM 21 | by Greg Limperis

Education Funding illustration CREDIT US Census BureauThe times they are a changin’.  It used to be, the only thing you had to worry about budgeting for in education besides the usual cost in personnel, infrastructure and maintenance — was textbooks. I know, I have simplified this list — but let me digress. Today there is an ever growing need for schools to go digital, but how to do so and to fund it properly is a growing problem that is quickly spiraling out of control.  Let me explain.

You see, the talk in education is the knowledge that it is in the students’ best interest if the school or district could find a way to put an Internet capable device in the hand of each child. Yes, what we are talking about is the ever so popular adage “going one-to-one.” Just think…

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Fujitsu Develops Technology That Turns Paper Into a Touchscreen


Future Google

We’re quickly getting used to the fact that computer, smartphone and tablet screens are meant to be touched — but what about paper?

Fujitsu has developed a technology that detects objects your finger is touching in the real world, effectively turning any surface — a piece of paper, for example — into a touchscreen, DigInfo reports.

“This system doesn’t use any special hardware; it consists of just a device like an ordinary webcam, plus a commercial projector. Its capabilities are achieved by image processing technology,” explains Taichi Murase, a researcher at Fujitsu’s Media Service System Lab.

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Native Apps vs. Web Apps – Facts and Usages

Classroom Aid

Although mobile learning is an expected trend, but there are diversified approaches and no one best answer for all situations. These articles and infographic could help clarify which one is the best for you.

Mobile applications: native v Web apps – what are the pros and cons?

Rapid advances in HTML5, the new more mobile friendly version of the Web language, and the hard work by the standards body World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to create standard interfaces across mobile devices mean that Web apps can – or will be able to – do many of the things that native apps can do.

Early this year GIA released a pioneering research paper entitled Native or Web Application? that surveyed businesses that had created both Web apps and mobile apps. Who better to guide us through the pros and cons of each platform than the author of that report, Lie Luo?

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Reblogged – Deployment iPAD in school

I try to figure out what’s the best way to deploy iPad in school.

Here is the post I found:

1) My Guide to iPad deployment in school (31.1.2012) – the best post I think

2) Authorization rules on iTunes (Chinese Version)(22.6.2011) or (English Version)

3) More on Apple ID’s (25.6.2012)

4) Your Apple Id is limited in 10 devices (20.8.2011)

5) Apple Quietly Updates iTunes Policy To Reduce The Number Of Authorized Devices Per Account (8.8.2011)

6) Volume Purchasing

Ref info:

Apple in Education – Volume Purchase Program(VPP)

IOS 6 Education Deployment Guide

IOS 5 Education Deployment Guide